Book Demo

Our Students Our Pride

Our Student’s Happy Parents

Introduce your kid to the global community of chess-playing kids

  • Peer learning during weekly community sessions.
  • Interact and develop friendships with kids from different nationalities.
  • Develop a competitive spirit with our weekly practice tournaments.


Our Services

Online 1-on-1 Class

Tailored guidance and focused instruction catered to the specific needs and pace of each child.

  • Personalized Attention
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Immediate Feedback

Online Group Class

Small group sizes (6 students) ensuring optimum attention to each child's improvement.

  • Collaborative Learning
  • Diverse Perspectives
  • Social Interaction

Our Courses


  • 48 training sessions
  • 10 tactical chess-puzzles solving community sessions
  • 6 online tournaments
  • Detailed Study material
  • Class summary and feedback for every session
  • Performance analysis and tracking

Fundamentals of the game get cleared, the learner is well versed with concepts like pieces movement, checkmate, castling and much more. The learner can play a game on his/her own by following the game fundamentals.


  • 48 training sessions
  • 12 tactical chess-puzzles solving community sessions
  • 12 online tournaments
  • Detailed Study material
  • Class summary and feedback for every session
  • Performance analysis and tracking

The focus is towards achieving International FIDE ratings. The learner is introduced to National and International level Chess tournaments.


  • 48 training sessions
  • 12 tactical chess-puzzles solving community sessions
  • 12 online tournaments
  • Detailed Study material
  • Class summary and feedback for every session
  • Performance analysis and tracking

The focus is towards achieving International FIDE ratings. The learner is introduced to National and International level Chess tournaments.

Of Chessbrainz

Pratik Vaidya

Pratik, our founder and International-level chess player, envisions a world where every child embraces the thrill of chess. With a passion for the game that transcends borders, Pratik has launched this academy to make chess a household joy for kids globally. Join us on an exciting journey as we transform the chessboard into a playground of strategy, fun, and boundless possibilities. Let's together popularize the magic of chess in the hearts of children worldwide!

Our Head Coach

Siddhant Kamble

Siddhant, our dynamic Head Chess Coach, is the creative force behind the captivating curriculum at Chessbrainz Academy. His dedication to crafting a dynamic chess syllabus ensures that every child's journey into the world of chess is not just educational but also profoundly enjoyable. Siddhant is committed to maintaining a team of top-notch trainers who possess a unique knack for connecting with and teaching kids. Under Siddhant's guidance, our trainers are not just mentors; they are inspirations for young minds.

Why Chess For Kids

Develops Perspective

Boosts Planning Skills

Improves Academic Grades

Improves Memory

Elevates Creativity

Increases Self-Awareness

Frequently Asked Questions

Chessbrainz Common FAQ's

We recommend that children be at least 5 years old to enroll in our Chess Training Classes. At this age, most children have the attention span and cognitive development necessary to start learning chess effectively.

We will assess your child's chess level during the demo session. Based on this assessment, we will recommend the appropriate class level for your child.

To enroll your kids in Chessbrainz Chess Academy, simply get in touch with us, and we will guide you through all the necessary steps. The enrollment procedure is straightforward, and our team will be happy to assist you every step of the way.

The fee amount varies depending on the number of sessions you are enrolling for. Please contact us directly for specific details regarding the fee structure based on your chosen course and session preferences. We will provide you with all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision.

It typically takes around 24 sessions to acquire a good understanding of basic chess principles and strategies.

A student is generally ready to participate in chess competitions after completing approximately 24 sessions of chess training. This timeframe allows students to develop a solid foundation in chess principles and strategies, giving them the confidence and skills needed to compete effectively. However, it's important to note that individual progress may vary. Our instructors will assess each student's readiness for competition and provide guidance accordingly.

We recommend scheduling chess sessions twice a week for optimal learning. The duration of each class typically ranges from 45 minutes to 1 hour. The specific session timings can be mutually decided upon by the student and coach to accommodate their schedules and ensure the best learning experience.

To stay informed about upcoming chess tournaments in your area, we recommend referring to our State Chess Association Directory for updates. Additionally, our instructors will provide timely updates about upcoming tournaments to ensure that students are tournament-ready when the opportunities arise. 

Yes, we are proud to award students with certificates upon successful completion of each level of our chess program.

We offer the convenience of online payment for the payment of fees at Chessbrainz. 


Chessbrainz is an international online chess academy in the USA spreading the love of Chess to 100,000+ school kids worldwide. Established to broaden and develop chess as a sport, art, and a significant element of culture, we aim to deliver world-class chess onboarding and mentoring programs to kids and enthusiasts.

We strive to improve kids' focus, creativity, analytical and logical skills, and academic grades through our crafted Chess curriculum.

Benefits of Online Chess Training

Learning chess games online can provide numerous benefits for kids, both academically and socially. You can engage your kids in a chess academy online in USA to let them become masters of chess. Some of the key benefits of learning chess online are:



We are the best chess academy in the USA, providing Online chess courses and tutorials are available 24/7, so your kids can learn at their pace and schedule. They can access online chess courses from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection.



Another benefit of online chess classes is accessibility. We offer online chess courses available to anyone with an internet connection. This means that kids who live in remote areas or do not have access to a chess club or instructor can still learn and improve their skills. Additionally, online courses are available in multiple languages, making them accessible to people worldwide.



Learning chess games online is also affordable. Online courses and tutorials at our online chess academy in the USA are generally less expensive than in-person lessons or courses, making learning chess accessible to kids who cannot afford traditional lessons.


Quality Instruction

Learning chess online can provide access to high-quality instruction. Top-ranked players and coaches at Chessbrainz—the best chess academy in the USA—teach many online chess courses. Our instructors can provide expert guidance and feedback, helping you improve your game and achieve your goals.

Why Chess for Kids?

The recent Netflix television series 'Queen's Gambit' has spurred a new interest in the game of black and white pieces. Not only does the series encourage people to let their kids build their skills in one of the world's oldest and most popular board games, but there are also other benefits of learning chess. A few of them are:  


Develops Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Chess requires kids to think strategically and logically and anticipate the consequences of their moves. This helps to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can be applied to other areas of their life.


Improves Concentration and Focus

Playing chess requires kids to concentrate and focus on the game for long periods, which can help improve their attention span and concentration, which can benefit them in school and other activities.


Enhances Memory and Cognitive Abilities

Chess involves a lot of memorisation, as players need to remember the rules, strategies, and moves. This can help enhance kids' memory and cognitive abilities, benefiting their academic performance.


Teaches Patience and Perseverance

Chess is a game that requires patience and perseverance, as players need to be willing to invest time and effort to master the game. This can help kids to develop these essential life skills, which can be applied to other areas of their life.


Builds Confidence and Self-Esteem

Learning and mastering a challenging game like chess can help to build kids' confidence and self-esteem. This can help them to feel more confident in their abilities and more willing to take on new challenges.


Encourages Social Interaction

Chess can be played online and in person, allowing kids to interact with others who share their interests. This can help to foster social skills and a sense of community.

Why Choose Chessbrainz?

We add the fun in chess learning to make it easy for kids to understand the game and create their moves.  


Brilliant Teachers

Let your kid get chess training in USA from Nation Masters, FIDE Masters, Grand Masters and International Masters. Chessbrainz offers kids enthralled with chess coaching and mentoring sessions with a championship-level approach. Our every program, from beginner to advanced, is well structured and customised to suit your kid's age group and skill level.  


24x7 Student Support

Chess is about constant improvement; in return for your enthusiasm, we would like to do the same! Being the best chess academy in USA, we are available online every single day. For any concerns, our support staff is available 24/7. The only difficulties your children encounter will be on their chessboard and in their thoughts because rest assured, we are always here to make things easier for them!

Online Community

We organise community engagement through a thriving online community of chess students and chess coaches to interact with others on a dedicated platform. Your kids will play a game, solve chess puzzles, ask questions, and learn chess games more efficiently! Kids will hang out where the great minds meet and discuss chess!


Daily Internal Championships

We believe in making our students better than yesterday every day. We allow them to play with the best Chessbrainz students by letting them engage in daily challenges. We encourage the kids to participate in at least 2 championships daily. Kids of all skill levels are open to playing with each other, giving them exposure to reach their full potential.


Unlimited Chess Resources

For our students, we have assembled chess resources with unrestricted, lifelong access. When you need them, our coaches, mentors, and specialists have produced internal manuals, books, templates, puzzle repositories, and many other tools.


Student Progress Reports

Chess parents seize the opportunity to see how the game has benefited their child's development and enjoy participating in the game! We try to attain complete openness and fair treatment of all pupils. Regular play in various disciplines is going to result in a number of qualitative developments. With our chess families, we will gladly celebrate successes and major anniversaries!