A Lifetime Journey Spreading Love for Chess!

Chessbrainz Aug 29,2022 - 19:43
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A lifetime journey, or any journey for that matter, is an amazing opportunity to see the world from a new perspective. It can open one’s eyes to the many different cultures and religions that exist and the many wonderful things that have been created by people from all over the world. These new experiences can help one grow and learn new things, which is why it is so important to spread the love for chess throughout one’s lifetime. This all can be possible with online chess coaching.

Here is The Journey:

  • Olympiad Torch, Tech M & Vishy: In the recently concluded Olympiad Torch, Tech M & Vishy event, many young athletes from around the world had the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents. This international event provides an excellent platform for young athletes to compete against each other and earn international recognition. With so many talented young athletes participating, it was no surprise that the event was extremely competitive.
  • Success happens Twice, once in Mind and then in Reality: A month before coming to Chennai physically, in our minds we had started being there. We could see all 3 days and how magnificent they could be! We could feel the passion and heat of the game, we could feel the audience, we could feel ourselves on the stage and how grand it would be! This was enough for us to be confident and this is what we did in Chennai. The best part about success is that it comes in two forms- first in the mind and then in reality.
  • A 100% Confidant Blitz Move to Decide: The 100% Confidant Blitz Move to Decide! was the only choice! After careful analysis, we concluded that a quick, decisive game was the best way to win the Olympiad. We had never played such a risky move in our lives but it felt like the only way to secure our spot in the final round.
  • The journey is often more beautiful than the Destination: Every journey has its challenges. The path leading to the chessboard is no exception. There is so much to see and so much to learn on the way. From the small villages and towns to the breathtaking landscapes, the journey is always worth taking.
  • Thoughtful Token of Love. Love is to Give & not to Get: We wanted to create an environment that would make players feel at home, as well as showcase India’s rich culture and the numerous chess opportunities that await them. From the minute they stepped off the plane, we made sure to welcome them with a warm hug and a thoughtfully-made token of our love! We fought over the board, but we’ve since become lifetime friends. Chess binds us all together!

All good things come to an end so how can this be an exception, we met once again at Chennai airport to depart with lifetime memories and a lot of things lined up in the coming times! This was the final stage of the biggest and most ambitious project ever attempted in the history of Indian chess, a project which was started by two individuals with a lot of dreams and a strong passion for the game. These weeks have been amazing with a lot of interesting events and also some very tough challenges. This is one of the best chess coaching in India.

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