To begin with, chess may not aid in physical development, but it certainly aids in cerebral development. Chess is the only sport where a player's height or weight does not confer an advantage....
Chess is one of the most popular sports taken up by individuals. Students from a very young age in India learn to play chess and improve upon their skills as they move further....
Rated chess players are generally very skilled at predicting the future moves of their opponents. They use a combination of intuition, calculation, and experience to achieve this....
It may interest you to know that chess begins in India as a game for kings to develop some understanding of war tactics and strategies. Apart from that, it was a great way of developing several excellent qualities....
A good beginning is the game half won - that is something that can be easily said about chess. Experts divide a game into three divisions - opening game, middle game, and end game....
Learn time-tested chess techniques and tactics to improve your game. Beginner chess lessons help in learning the most prevalent tactical themes, chess strategy principles, popular openings, and key endgame concepts that may offer you an advantage in your next game....